Fluid Mechanics

Tutor: Parv Singh


Masters in Mechanical Engineering
(Composite Materials)
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering
(Specialization in Mechanical Design)


7+ years of Tutoring Mechanical Engineering Courses at MechTutoring (Since 2009). Former Teaching Assistant and Marker at Concordia University (2009 to 2012).

TUTOR’ CONTACT : +1 514 574 2161 (Parv@mechtutoring.com)

Weekly Tutorials - Winter 2023

Tutor: Parv Singh

Price: 240$ (Whole Semester) – Around 8 Classes of 2.30 hours each.


  1. Will cover all important concepts including latest old exam problems
  2. Package of practice problems will be provided in every session
  3. Midterm and Final Mock Exam Sessions (not crashes) are included

Timing: Date and time of the class will be decided according to the registered students.

You can also join Mechtutoring Updates group on Facebook to stay updated for all the courses I teach.

Midterm/Final Crash Course

In case I offer them. I will upload the timing the timings of the crashes by the 3rd week of the semester.

Its possible I will not be able to offer any midterm crash due to time restrictions, Please book your spot for weeklies if that fits your schedule .

If you are interested please fill out the form given below.  So that I can send important details once they are available.

You can also join Mechtutoring Updates group on Facebook to stay updated for all the courses I teach.

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